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Hooks are a collection of composable behaviors that are meant to be used with impulse elements.


You can add new behaviors by attaching it to the connected lifecycle function.

In this example, we are using the useOutsideClick hook to listen for clicks outside the #button element. If the user clicks outside the #button element, a callback function is invoked that removes the hidden attribute from the pop-over element.

import { ImpulseElement, registerElement } from '@ambiki/impulse';
import useOutsideClick from '@ambiki/impulse-view-components/dist/hooks/use_outside_click';

export default class PopoverElement extends ImpulseElement {
  connected() {
    useOutsideClick(this, {
      boundaries: [document.querySelector('#button')],
      callback: () => {
        if ( {
          this.hidden = true;

  get open() {
    return !this.hasAttribute('hidden');

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