Time zone select
Time zone select allows a user to filter through a list of default time zones and select one or multiple values.
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone)) %>
Positional arguments
Name | Default | Description |
object_name | N/A | The name of the object. |
method_name | N/A | The name of the method. |
priority_zones | nil | A list of time zones that will be listed above the rest of the (long) list. |
Keyword arguments
Name | Default | Description |
selected | nil | The value of the option that you want to force select. |
default | nil | The value of the option that you want to select if the selected is nil . |
model | ActiveSupport::TimeZone | A list of time zones that should respond to all and return an array of objects that represent time zones; each object must respond to name and to_s . If a Regexp is given, it will attempt to match the zones using the match? method. |
priority_zones_title | "Prioritized time zones" | The title of the group of time zones that have been prioritized. |
size | md | The size of the select control. One of sm , md , or lg . |
name | nil | The name of the field. By default rails will automatically create a name string based on the object_name and method_name . |
input_id | nil | The id of the input field. |
placeholder | nil | The placeholder text that is displayed within the input field. |
include_hidden | true | See the "Gotcha" section of rails select tag. |
disabled | false | Disables the select control. |
required | false | Makes the select control a required field. |
multiple | false | Whether multiple values can be selected or not. |
clearable | true | Whether the clear button should be shown or not. |
Prioritizing zones
You can also supply an array of ActiveSupport::TimeZone
, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones
for a list of US time zones, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.country_zones(country_code)
for another country’s time zones or a Regexp
to select the zones of your choice.
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones)) %>
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone, [ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Alaska"], ActiveSupport::TimeZone["Hawaii"]])) %>
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone, /Australia/)) %>
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all.sort)) %>
Custom blankslate
A blankslate is displayed when the input's text does not match any of the options.
<%= render(Impulse::TimeZoneSelectComponent.new(:user, :time_zone)) do |c| %>
<% c.with_blankslate { "We could not find that time zone in our directory!" } %>
<% end %>
Integrating with form_with
Wrap your time_zone_select
tag with the impulse_form_with
method. The f.time_zone_select
tag accepts the same arguments.
<%= impulse_form_with model: @user do |f| %>
<%= f.select :time_zone %>
<% end %>
<%= impulse_form_with model: @user do |f| %>
<%= f.select :time_zone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.us_zones %>
<% end %>
<%= impulse_form_with model: @user do |f| %>
<%= f.select :time_zone, nil, default: "Hawaii" %>
<% end %>
<%= impulse_form_with model: @user do |f| %>
<%= f.select :time_zone do |c| %>
<% c.with_blankslate { "Time zone not found!" } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Overwrite the default blankslate message by passing a custom block.
Name | Default | Description |
system_args | {} | HTML attributes that should be passed to the Rails' content_tag method. |
import '@ambiki/impulse-view-components/dist/elements/autocomplete';
@import '~@ambiki/impulse-view-components/dist/elements/autocomplete';