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Actions let you bind event listeners to an element.

Attributes and names

The data-action attribute is a space-separated list of action descriptors that defines how an element should react when an event is fired on it.

  <button type="button" data-action="click->greet-user#greet">...</button>
// elements/greet_user_element.ts
import { ImpulseElement, registerElement } from 'impulse';

export default class GreetUserElement extends ImpulseElement {
  greet(event: Event) {


The data-action value click->greet-user#greet is called an action descriptor. In this descriptor:

  • click is the name of the DOM event.
  • greet-user is the name of the custom element.
  • greet is the name of the function that should be invoked when the event is triggered.

Global events

You can add @window or @document to the descriptor to listen for events on the window or document respectively.

<!-- Listen for the `resize` event on the `window`. -->
<div data-action="resize@window->image-gallery#resizeLayout"></div>

<!-- Listen for the `mouseup` event on the `document`. -->
<div data-action="mouseup@document->my-element#invokeAction"></div>

Event modifiers

It is very common to call event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() inside event handlers. Although you can do this inside the function, it would be better if it is explicitly mentioned in the action descriptor.

To address this, Impulse provides these modifiers out of the box.

  • .stop
  • .prevent
  • .self
  • .capture
  • .once
  • .passive
<!-- Calls the `.stopPropagation()` on the event. -->
<button data-action="click.stop->my-element#invokeAction"></button>

<!-- Calls the `.preventDefault()` on the event. -->
<form data-action="click.prevent->my-element#invokeAction"></form>

<!-- Only call the function if is the element itself. -->
<div data-action="click.self->my-element#invokeAction"></div>

<!-- Modifiers can be chained. -->
<a href="#" data-action="click.stop.prevent->my-element#invokeAction"></a>

The .capture, .once, and .passive modifiers mirror the DOM event listener options.

<div data-action="click.capture->my-element#invokeAction"></div>
<div data-action="click.once->my-element#invokeAction"></div>
<div data-action="scroll.passive->my-element#invokeAction"></div>

Naming conventions

Always use camelCase to reference the action names.

<div data-action="click->greet-user#doThis"></div>
<div data-action="click->greet-user#avoid_this"></div>

Released under the MIT License.