# Clippy Copy Element

Copy text content, input values, and more to your clipboard.

# Installation

After installing,

import '@ambiki/clippy-copy-element';

# Examples

# Copying an input's value

Set the for attribute as the id of the input field on the clippy-copy element.



  <input id="input" type="text" value="Copy me!" />
<clippy-copy for="input">Copy</clippy-copy>

Similarly, we also support textarea and select tags.

# Copying an element's textContent

Set the for attribute as the id of the element on the clippy-copy element.


<div id="element">Copy me!</div>
<clippy-copy for="element">Copy</clippy-copy>

# Copying from an attribute

Set the copyable text as the value attribute on the clippy-copy element.

<clippy-copy value="Copy this text!">Copy</clippy-copy>

# Events

Name Description
clippy-copy:copied This event is fired immediately after successfully copying the value.